Thursday, 16 February 2017

Vicky Sully

Hawksyard Hall

8 October 2016

Photo taken by Redlock Photography

The weather was dry, warm and sunny for October. I was warmly welcomed at the house by Vicky’s mom and niece, who was one of the flower girls.

Vickie has just qualified as a midwife and we had a lot in common to talk about. 

During the morning Vickie’s niece was playing the nerf wars with her uncle and at one point nearly hit me, it was so funny, she was such a cutie.

I was booked to do the makeup of Vickie, her mom and sister in law. Vickie doesn’t normally wear makeup and wanted something elegant but not heavy so we decided to concentrate on making her eyes stand out and used the Airbase Airbrush Foundation. We used a beautiful colour of eye shadow from Charlotte Tilbury that sparkled every time she blinked with added lashes.

Photo taken by Redlock Photography

When I arrived the hair dresser Milena was there from S.A.M.S Hair shop up north where Vickie’s family was from. 

Photo taken by Redlock Photography

I Did Vickie's mom first then Vickie then the bridesmaid.

Whilst doing Vickie's makeup Bernadette from Rosabella York brought the stunning flowers and stayed for a coffee and chat and was mesmerised by the airbrush machine I was using. 

Ant from Redrock Photography and Stephen from Yellow Tree Films arrived and enjoyed a little game of Nerf Wars with Vickie's niece before making a start on recording this lovely morning. 

Vickie’s brother who was with the groom for the morning came to collect the button holes and was very complimentary of Vickie’s makeup and even at one point wanted to take a photo. 

The wedding cars from Love Wedding Cars arrived and everyone went into panic mode. I only had a bridesmaid left to do. She also doesn’t wear much makeup and asked me to do whatever I wanted. She had beautiful eyes and so it was only right to show them off. I gave her a nice pink Smokey eye.

Photo taken by Redlock Photography

Everyone got into their dresses while I cleaned up. And they came into the room one by one to have any touch ups done. They all looked amazing, then Vicky came in and I was blown away she looked radiant and so beautiful. She wore a lace Ronald Joyce dress from Lula Ann Bridal

Photo taken by Redlock Photography

The Wedding venue was at Hawksyard Estate which Dates from the 13th Century, with beautiful formal gardens , Hawkesyard Estate is steeped in Staffordshire history with links to the Spode family, Nathaniel Lister and Sir Robert Peel, Combining a Gothic, romantic and picturesque feel. The venue was a perfect pick for Vicky and I had such a lovely morning with them.

Vicky had her wedding cake made and designed by Tracey Greenfield from Tracey's Cakes and I think your'll agree its stunning!!

I cant thank you enough for booking me to do your wedding makeup!

If you would like to book me to do your makeup. Please take a look at my website 

You can also find me on FacebookTwitterInstagramPintrest, you can email me 
or ring me on 07826 542 676

1 comment:

Client Wedding Vlog no 69 - Katherine's Wedding

Curradine Barn In May I had a Lovely morning doing the wedding makeup of Katherine who got married at Curridane Barn. Katherine and a...